AOS of NY - Web Site Links
Astronomical Magazines / Astronomy Podcasts / Space Agencies and Observatories / Space News / Comets and Meteor Showers / General Astronomy / Astronomy Apps for mobile devices / Web Directories and Services (Search Engines) / Astronomical Dealers and Manufacturers / Astronomy Clubs / AOS of NY member web sites / Light Pollution
Astronomical Magazines
- Amateur Astronomy Magazine
- Astronomy Magazine , discounted to AOS members.
- Astronomy Now
- Astronomy Today
- AstroMag
- Sky and Telescope, the mother of all astronomy magazines, discounted to AOS members.
- starstuff
Astronomy Podcasts
- StarTalk Radio with Neil deGrasse Tyson-StarTalk Radio bridges the intersection between Pop Culture and Science with clarity, humor and passion. Hilarity ensues as Tyson is joined each week by comedian co-hosts, celebrities, and other special guests.
- Astronomy Cast- Astronomy Cast takes a fact-based journey through the cosmos as it offers listeners weekly discussions on astronomical topics ranging from planets to cosmology. Hosted by Fraser Cain and Dr. Pamela L. Gay
- 365 Days of Astronomy- The 365 Days of Astronomy Podcast is a project that will publish one podcast per day, 5 to 10 minutes in duration.
- Astronomy Ireland Radio Show- A weekly radio show broadcast from Dublin with Astronomy and Space news highlights.
- Naked Astronomy- The Naked Scientists are a media-savvy group of physicians and researchers from Cambridge University who use radio, live lectures, and the Internet to strip science down to its bare essentials, and promote it to the general public.
- Awesome Astronomy- Awesome Astronomy is the podcast for anyone and everyone who has an interest in science and astronomy.
- AFM*Radio is the only 24-hour internet radio station in the Known Universe dedicated to astronomy and other sciences.
- At The Eyepiece- An astronomy based podcast/talk show that is devoted to stargazing tips, tricks and astronomical equipment.
Space Agencies and Observatories
- Anglo-Australian Observatory (Epping, Australia)
- Big Bear Solar Observatory WWW Page
- Black Hole Encyclopedia from the University of Texas, McDonald Observatory
- Hubble Space Telescope
- IAU: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
- International Space Station Technology Guide
- Kennedy Space Center
- JPL-Cassini
- JPL-Project Galileo
- JPL-Space Images
- JPL-Space Calendar
- JPL-Welcome to the Planets In
- Lunar Prospector
- Mars Exploration Homepage
- NASA Apollo 11 30th Anniversary
- NASA CLIMATE KIDS-NASA Space Place educates and entertains kids, parents, and teachers about space and Earth science and technology.
- NASA HUMAN SPACE FLIGHT real time data- find when and where the ISS or Space Shuttle will pass over your city.
- NASA KIDS The best place for kids interested in Space, Science, Rocket, Astronauts and the Solar System.
- NASA SciJinks Weather Adventures
- NASA Shuttle Page
NASA - SPACE PLACE - NASA Space Place educates and entertains kids, parents, and teachers about space and Earth science and technology.
- SOFIA Home Page
- Solar and Heliographic Observatory-SOHO
- Solar images at SDAC
- Starchild Web site for young astronomers
- Stardate the public education and outreach arm of the University of Texas McDonald Observatory
Space News
- CNN: Science-Technology:Space
- PhysLink-Physics & Astronomy
- Sky & Telescope's News Bulletin
- Science news and information about the Sun-Earth environment.
- Today@NASA
- Universe Today
Comets and Meteor Showers
- American Meteor Society
- Comet Observation Page
- Sky & Telescope's Comet Page
- Sky & Telescope's Meteor Page
General Astronomy
- YOU CAN'T NAME A STAR - Here are a couple of web sites with the facts.
- Astronomy and Space Sites
- Astronomy Basics for Children
- Astronomy For Beginners-A good advice site for those just starting out. Features advice, tips on equipment, and more.
- Astronomy For Change-Astronomy For Change is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to affect positive change through astronomy and science education, by inspiring and empowering current and future generations to become engaged and interested in Astronomy and Science.
- Astronomy Picture of the Day-Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.
- astronomy -The web portal for anyone with an interest in astronomy.
- The Astronomy Net
- The ATM Page -A WWW Resource for Amateur Telescope Making.
- Backyard Astronomy-Lots of information for the budding backyard astronomer, with suggestions on equipment, information about the solar system, and other tips.
- Bad Astronomy-Phil Plait's web site devoted to airing out myths and misconceptions in astronomy and related topics.
- Bradford Robotic Telescope
- CalSky
- Celestial Chart
- Cloudy Nights
- CNN's Space Exploration Gallery
- Cradle of Aviation Museum
- Dark Sky Initiative The solution to light pollution.
- David Paul Green's Free Astronomy Software Site
- Deirdre Kelleghan-Developer of "Deadly Moons", an Art/Astronomy workshop
- Earth & Sky
- Eric Weisstein's World of Astronomy
- Future of Space Exploration from the leaders at Mars One, Astrobotic, and Teledyne Brown Engineering
- finding Dulcinea-A collection of Astronomy web sites.
- Google Sky
- Heavens Above-dynamic Web pages which generate visibility predictions for visible satellites and Iridium flares for ANY location on the Earth.
- Hobby Help - The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Astronomy
- Home-Page of Lunar and Planetary Observation and CCD Imaging
- IceInSpace
- provides you with a Sky Watch forecast so you know if it's worth setting up for an evening of stargazing.
- Khan Academy-Cosmology and astronomy
- Mars Atlas
- Messier Index-SEDS
- Mike Boschat's Astronomy Page
- Night Sky Info Weekly news about the night sky and articles on selected astronomical topics.
- NY Astronomy Examiner
- Planetquest
- Planets of the Solar System
- Russ Kempdon's Meteorite Page
- SEDS an independent, student-based organization which promotes the exploration and development of space.
- The Space Place-Award winning web site for kid from NASA
- Star Ware Home Page-Phil Harrington's Home page
- Starhustler Home Page
- SVAstronomyLectures-Silicon Valley Astronomy Lectures
- Telescope 101: An Introduction to the World of Telescopes - Free e-book from
- Telescope Review-Telescope Review Site
- Terry's Hunt of the Month a monthly observing list web page
- Vanderbilt Planetarium
- Virtual Atlas of the Moon Free astronomy software-This software can visualize the Moon aspect for every date and hour. It permits also to study lunar formations with unique database and pictures library.
- Windows to the Universe
- Systemic-characterizing extrasolar planetary systems. An application you can download to plot possible orbits of extrasolar planets.
- Map Muse:
Astronomy Apps for mobile devices.
- APOD Viewer
- AstroApp: Space Station Crew
- ASTROCK (Spoledge)
- ASTROGIZMO (EtherGizmos)
- ASTROLABE CLOCK (TwoNineEight Software)
- Astro Panel
- Astro Planner Lite
- AstroSky
- Astro Tools
- AU: The Solar System
- Cassini
- Comet Quest
- CosmoCalc
- CraterSizeXL
- Dark Sky Meter
- Deep Sky Browser
- Distant Suns
- Emerald Observatory
- Exoplanet
- Fermi Sky
- Galaxy Collider
- Galaxy Zoo
- Google Sky Map
- GoSatWatch
- GoSkyWatch Planetarium
- Go StarGaze
- Gravity Launch
- GravLens3
- HubbleSite
- Hubble Space Telescope
- iMoonU
- The Invisible Universe
- iSolarScape
- ISS Detector Satellite Tracker
- iStellar
- Jupiter Atlas
- JupiterMoons
- Kepler
- Living Earth
- Loss of the night
- Lúan - Lunar Phase Calendar
- Luminos
- Mars Atlas
- Mercury Atlas
- Messier List
- Messier Marathon
- Mobile Observatory - Astronomy
- Moon
- Moon Atlas
- Moon Globe
- Moonlight
- Moon Phase Pro
- Moon Tourss
- NASA App
- NASA Be A Martian
- NASA Images Archive
- NASA Lunar Electric Rover Simulator
- NASA Now
- Space Weather Media Viewer
- NASA Television
- Orbit Architect
- Particle Zoo
- Phases of the Moon
- planetFacts
- Planets
- Planisphere
- Pocket Universe: Virtual Sky Astronomy
- Portal to the Universe
- Redshift - Astronomy
- Satellite Insight
- Saturn Atlas
- SkEye
- Sky Master
- SkyORB 3D
- SkyQ
- SkySafari
- SkyView
- SkyWeek
- SDO: Solar Dynamic Observatory
- Solar Max
- Solar Walk
- Space Images
- space junk pro (Android)
- space junk pro (Apple)
- Planet Finder
- Star Chart
- Star Charts by Wil Tirion
- StarMap 3D: Stargazing and Astronomy
- Starmap
- Star Rover
- Star Walk
- Stellarium Mobile
- Stellarium Mobile
- Sundroid Pro Sunrise Sunset
- Sundroid Pro Sunrise Sunset
- Swift Explorer
- TerraTime
- 3D Sun
- Venus Atlas
- Venus Atlas
- What's Up?
- Where is Io
- Wolfram Alpha Astronomy Course Assistant
- Zenith Mobile Telescope
Web Directories and Services (Search Engines)
Astronomical Dealers and Manufacturers
- 3D Solar System-a full-motion 3D model of the Solar System.
- Adorama
- Adorama Rental Co.
- Astromart
- Astronomy Freeware
- Berger Bros. - Camera, Video, and Digital-AOS member discount available
- Camera Concepts-AOS member discount available. Jeff Norwood of Camera Concepts is an AOS member.
- Edmund Optics Inc
- Focus Camera
- Magnilux
- Meade Instruments Corporation
- Oceanside Photo and Telescope (OPT)
- Orion Telescopes & Binoculars
- ScopeStuff
- Scopetronix
- Televue Optics
Astronomy Clubs
- Amateur Astronomers Association of New York
- Amateur Astronomer's Association of Princeton(AAAP)
- Amateur Astronomer's Inc.(AAI)
- American Meteor Society, Ltd.
- Association of Lunar & Planetary Observers(ALPO)
- The Astronomical League
- Astronomical Society Of Greater Hartford
- Astronomical Society of Long Island (ASLI)
- Astronomical Society Of New Haven
- The Astronomical Society of the Pacific
- The Astronomical Society of the Palm beaches
- The Boothe Memorial Astronomical Society
- Bucks-Mont Astronomical Association
- Custer Institute
- The International Dark Sky Association
- The International Meteor Organization
- The Kopernik Astronomical Society
- The Long Island Space Society (LISS)
- Mid-Hudson Astronomy Association (MHAA)
- The National Deep Sky Observers Society
- The National Space Society
- NJ Astronomical Association
- North American Meteor Network homepage
- NY Skies
- Rockland Astronomy Club
- South Jersey Astronomy Club
- The SETI League
- S*T*A*R Astronomy Society Home Page
- Stellafane-Web Home of the Springfield Telescope Makers. .
- United Astronomy Clubs of New Jersey, Inc.
- Westchester Amateur Astronomers Club
- Westport Astronomical Society Home Page