Scenic of Ocean During Sunset

The President’s Message

To the Members of AOSNY Astronomy Club,

As we welcome the height of summer, AOSNY is excited to present an array of celestial events and activities for July and August 2024. The warm nights provide the perfect opportunity to explore the wonders of the night sky, and we have several events planned to make the most of this astronomical season.

Music and Astronomy Under the Stars (MAUS): This is a collaborative effort between Hofstra University and AOSNY, sponsored by the Sierra Club, in conjunction with various Nassau & Suffolk Parks departments and the Free Outdoor Summer Public Music Events. Join us at these FREE events as AOSNY will be at the location with telescopes to provide night sky tours. All MAUS events are listed on our home page.

AOSNY Member Events:

  • Day Trip to Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory –July 10, 9 AM – 3 PM – TIME MAY VARY Join us for a fascinating day trip to the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. Learn about the latest in earth sciences and tour the facilities.
  • AOSNY Annual Summer Picnic – Sat, Aug 10, 2:00-8:00 PM

Exciting Fall 2024 Meetings:

  • September 8 Meeting Guest Speaker – 3:00 PM Join us for the re-start of the Fall 2024 AOS Meeting Series. Our fall meetings begin with exciting topics and guest speakers. Don’t miss out!
  • October 6 Meeting Guest Speaker – VIRTUAL – Dr. Marcia Bartusiak – MIT Fellow @3:00 PM The Day We Found the Universe: A Centenary Celebration – Edwin Hubble and Albert Einstein Discussion of Watershed Moments in Time. Join us for another informative meeting. “Stars On Sunday” will also restart this month @6:30 PM.
  • November 3 Meeting Guest Speaker – TBA Learn about the latest in astronomy and upcoming celestial events.
  • December 1 Meeting Guest Speaker – TBA @ 3:00 PM Wrap up the year with our final meeting. Celebrate the holiday season with fellow members.
  • December 14 (Date Tentative) AOS Annual Holiday Party Time and place TBD

General Announcements:

  • Membership Renewal: If you haven’t renewed your membership for 2024, please do so on our website tocontinue enjoying all club benefits.
  • Volunteers Needed: We are looking for volunteers to help organize events and manage equipment. If inter- ested, please get in touch with our event coordinator at
  • Social Media: Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for the latest updates, event reminders, and astronomy news. We look forward to seeing you at our summer and fall events.

Clear skies and happy stargazing!

Warm regards,

Jason Cousins, President

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