2022 February General Meeting
On February 6, 2022, we have a very special guest, Dr. Aaron Clevenson and will present the Astronomical League’s incredible program in a presentation titled, “The ObservingPrograms of the Astronomical League”. Goal-oriented observing is an excellent way expose yourself to the widest variety of celestial objects, build your observing skills, and expand your understanding of what’s up there and we are honored to have Dr. Clevenson speak with us on this topic.
The Astronomical League (AL) provides many different Observing Programs. These Observing Programs are designed to provide a direction for your observations and to provide a goal. The Observing Programs have certificates and pins to recognize the observers’ accomplishments and for demonstrating their observing skills with a variety of instruments and objects. Dr. Clevenson, one of the AL National Observing Program Coordinators, also publishes is the monthly publication called What’s Up Doc?. We hope you’ll join us for what will be an informative presentation of a valuable program for amateur observers.