Submit Your Photos for the 2025 AOS Calendar

To the Members of AOS,

For years, our club produced an annual club calendar filled with your astronomy photos, not NASA’s or someone else’s but YOURS.  These calendars not only have member astronomy photos, but are chock full reminders of important astronomical events each month… style and function!

For the 2025 calendar, AOS will have a new submission process which starts now. It is designed to gather photos as the year progresses and have us ready to print and deliver the calendars before the new year arrives.

To submit your photo, simply upload it to the provided link into the month we’re in. Each month the committee will choose the photo for that month in the 2025 calendar.

We hope that this adds a little fun to this task and with that, the AOS calendar will be ready for 2025.

Our longtime member, Dan Higgins, has graciously set up the folders for us to utilize each month. Please take a moment to review the steps below on how to submit.

Before you submit
  1. Name your high resolution photo file with your first and last name plus object name, for example, Dan Higgins M33.jpg
  2. Create a simple text file with your first and last name plus object name, for example, Dan Higgins M33 Info.txt
  3. In the text file, include the following
    • Your name
    • Object Name (catalog name and common name helps, for example, NGC457 The Owl Cluster)
    • Date you took the photo
    • Optional: any image acquisition details, for example equipment used or your process
To submit
  1. Log onto the submission server using the user name and password provided on the Hotline
  2. Drag the photo file and the text file into the appropriate month