

Picture taken on 1/14/02 at 12:29AM EST.
The great red spot and a shadow transit of Calisto are visible. Calisto is seen to the left of Jupiter. Io is seen above and to the right.
by Robert Benjamin

Photo by Stathis Kalyvas from Thessaloniki-Greece...all photos taken from the
center of Thessaloniki with a MEADE LX200 8" SCT and a CCD 416XTE Meade camera,and a STARLIGHT X-press MX5C(planets and moon only).

I recently took pictures of Jupiter and Saturn.
Both images were taken with a Meade LX200 8-inch telescope
and a Starlight Xpress MX5-16 CCD camera.
A 23a red filter was used with a 2x Barlow lens.
Howard Loenicker

An early season shot of Saturn using a SAC7 camera on a Konus 8 inch reflector. Processed from a ten second AVI movie with Registax and Photoshop.
By Mark Estesy


Picture taken on 1/26/02
at 8:01 PM EST
by Robert Benjamin

Photo by Stathis Kalyvas from Thessaloniki-Greece...all photos taken from the
center of Thessaloniki with a MEADE LX200 8" SCT and a CCD 416XTE Meade camera,and a STARLIGHT X-press MX5C(planets and moon onl

I recently took pictures of Jupiter and Saturn.
Both images were taken with a Meade LX200 8-inch telescope
and a Starlight Xpress MX5-16 CCD camera.
A 23a red filter was used with a 2x Barlow lens.
Howard Loenicker

Saturn- Photo by Adonis Padelidis

November 11, 1997 Saturn meets the Moon Photo by Robert Benjamin


Photo by Stathis Kalyvas from Thessaloniki-Greece...all photos taken from the
center of Thessaloniki with a MEADE LX200 8" SCT and a CCD 416XTE Meade camera,and a STARLIGHT X-press MX5C(planets and moon only)


Photos by Stathis Kalyvas from Thessaloniki-Greece...all photos taken from the
center of Thessaloniki with a MEADE LX200 8" SCT and a CCD 416XTE Meade camera,and a STARLIGHT X-press MX5C(planets and moon only)

Pluto as seen over 3 nights from the 1998 Rockland Astronomy Club
Summer Star Party-Savoy Mass. CCD images by Ken Roundy.


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